Complete List of Qlik Errors and Descriptions

This page compiles a complete list of errors messages, error codes and descriptions returned by the Qlik Engine API. Qlik developers and superusers, keep this list bookmarked for whenever you encounter an obscure Qlik error.
Error code | Error name | Description |
-128 | LOCERR_INTERNAL_ERROR | Indicates an internal error occurred. |
-1 | LOCERR_GENERIC_UNKNOWN | Indicates an unknown error occurred. |
0 | LOCERR_GENERIC_OK | Indicates the operation completed successfully. |
1 | LOCERR_GENERIC_NOT_SET | Indicates a required parameter was not set. |
2 | LOCERR_GENERIC_NOT_FOUND | Indicates the requested resource was not found. |
3 | LOCERR_GENERIC_ALREADY_EXISTS | Indicates the resource being created already exists. |
4 | LOCERR_GENERIC_INVALID_PATH | Indicates the specified path is invalid. |
5 | LOCERR_GENERIC_ACCESS_DENIED | Indicates the requested operation was denied. |
6 | LOCERR_GENERIC_OUT_OF_MEMORY | Indicates the system ran out of memory. |
7 | LOCERR_GENERIC_NOT_INITIALIZED | Indicates the system was not initialized properly. |
8 | LOCERR_GENERIC_INVALID_PARAMETERS | Indicates invalid parameters were provided. |
9 | LOCERR_GENERIC_EMPTY_PARAMETERS | Indicates empty parameters were provided. |
10 | LOCERR_GENERIC_INTERNAL_ERROR | Indicates an internal error occurred. |
11 | LOCERR_GENERIC_CORRUPT_DATA | Indicates the data being processed is corrupt. |
12 | LOCERR_GENERIC_MEMORY_INCONSISTENCY | Indicates a memory inconsistency occurred. |
13 | LOCERR_GENERIC_INVISIBLE_OWNER_ABORT | Indicates the operation was aborted due to an invisible owner. |
14 | LOCERR_GENERIC_PROHIBIT_VALIDATE | Indicates validation was prohibited for the operation. |
15 | LOCERR_GENERIC_ABORTED | Indicates the operation was aborted. |
16 | LOCERR_GENERIC_CONNECTION_LOST | Indicates the connection to a resource was lost. |
17 | LOCERR_GENERIC_UNSUPPORTED_IN_PRODUCT_VERSION | Indicates the operation is unsupported in the current product version. |
18 | LOCERR_GENERIC_REST_CONNECTION_FAILURE | Indicates a REST connection failure occurred. |
19 | LOCERR_GENERIC_MEMORY_LIMIT_REACHED | Indicates the memory limit has been reached. |
20 | LOCERR_GENERIC_NOT_IMPLEMENTED | Indicates the requested functionality is not yet implemented. |
400 | LOCERR_HTTP_400 | Indicates a bad request was made. |
401 | LOCERR_HTTP_401 | Indicates unauthorized access was attempted. |
402 | LOCERR_HTTP_402 | Indicates payment is required for the requested operation. |
403 | LOCERR_HTTP_403 | Indicates access to the requested resource was forbidden. |
404 | LOCERR_HTTP_404 | Indicates the requested resource was not found. |
405 | LOCERR_HTTP_405 | Indicates the requested method is not allowed. |
406 | LOCERR_HTTP_406 | Indicates the requested content type is not acceptable. |
407 | LOCERR_HTTP_407 | Indicates the client must authenticate with a proxy before proceeding. |
408 | LOCERR_HTTP_408 | Indicates the client did not send a request within the server's allotted time. |
409 | LOCERR_HTTP_409 | Indicates the request could not be completed due to a conflict. |
410 | LOCERR_HTTP_410 | Indicates the requested resource is no longer available. |
411 | LOCERR_HTTP_411 | Indicates the length of the request is required but missing. |
412 | LOCERR_HTTP_412 | Indicates the preconditions given in the request failed. |
412 | LOCERR_HTTP_412 | Precondition failed: the server does not meet the conditions specified in the request headers. |
413 | LOCERR_HTTP_413 | Request entity too large: the server refuses to process the request because the request entity is larger than the server is willing or able to process. |
414 | LOCERR_HTTP_414 | Request-URI too long: the server refuses to process the request because the request-target is longer than the server is willing to interpret. |
415 | LOCERR_HTTP_415 | Unsupported media type: the server refuses to accept the request because the payload format is not supported. |
416 | LOCERR_HTTP_416 | Range not satisfiable: the server cannot provide the requested range. |
417 | LOCERR_HTTP_417 | Expectation failed: the server cannot meet the requirements specified in the Expect request-header field. |
422 | LOCERR_HTTP_422 | Unprocessable entity: the request was well-formed but was unable to be followed due to semantic errors. |
429 | LOCERR_HTTP_429 | Too many requests: the user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time. |
500 | LOCERR_HTTP_500 | Internal server error: the server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request. |
501 | LOCERR_HTTP_501 | Not implemented: the server does not support the functionality required to fulfill the request. |
502 | LOCERR_HTTP_502 | Bad gateway: the server was acting as a gateway or proxy and received an invalid response from the upstream server. |
503 | LOCERR_HTTP_503 | Service unavailable: the server is currently unable to handle the request due to a temporary overload or maintenance of the server. |
504 | LOCERR_HTTP_504 | Gateway timeout: the server was acting as a gateway or proxy and did not receive a timely response from the upstream server. |
505 | LOCERR_HTTP_505 | HTTP version not supported: the server does not support the HTTP protocol version used in the request. |
509 | LOCERR_HTTP_509 | Bandwidth limit exceeded: the server has exceeded the bandwidth limit for the request. |
700 | LOCERR_HTTP_COULD_NOT_RESOLVE_HOST | The server cannot resolve the host name specified in the request URL. |
1000 | LOCERR_APP_ALREADY_EXISTS | The app already exists. |
1001 | LOCERR_APP_INVALID_NAME | The app name is invalid. |
1002 | LOCERR_APP_ALREADY_OPEN | The app is already open. |
1003 | LOCERR_APP_NOT_FOUND | The app cannot be found. |
1004 | LOCERR_APP_IMPORT_FAILED | The app import failed. |
1005 | LOCERR_APP_SAVE_FAILED | The app save failed. |
1006 | LOCERR_APP_CREATE_FAILED | The app creation failed. |
1007 | LOCERR_APP_INVALID | The app is invalid. |
1008 | LOCERR_APP_CONNECT_FAILED | The app connection failed. |
1009 | LOCERR_APP_ALREADY_OPEN_IN_DIFFERENT_MODE | The app is already open in a different mode. |
1010 | LOCERR_APP_MIGRATION_COULD_NOT_CONTACT_MIGRATION_SERVICE | The app migration could not contact the migration service. |
1011 | LOCERR_APP_MIGRATION_COULD_NOT_START_MIGRATION | The app migration could not start. |
1012 | LOCERR_APP_MIGRATION_FAILURE | The app migration failed. |
1013 | LOCERR_APP_SCRIPT_MISSING | The app script is missing. |
1014 | "LOCERR_APP_EXPORT_FAILED" | An error occurred while exporting the app. |
1015 | "LOCERR_APP_SIZE_EXCEEDED" | The app size exceeds the maximum limit. |
1016 | "LOCERR_APP_DIRECT_QUERY_WORKLOAD_NOT_SUPPORTED" | Direct query workload is not supported in the app. |
2000 | "LOCERR_CONNECTION_ALREADY_EXISTS" | The connection already exists. |
2001 | "LOCERR_CONNECTION_NOT_FOUND" | The connection could not be found. |
2002 | "LOCERR_CONNECTION_FAILED_TO_LOAD" | The connection failed to load. |
2003 | "LOCERR_CONNECTION_FAILED_TO_IMPORT" | The connection failed to import. |
2004 | "LOCERR_CONNECTION_NAME_IS_INVALID" | The connection name is invalid. |
2005 | "LOCERR_CONNECTION_MISSING_CREDENTIALS" | The connection is missing credentials. |
2300 | "LOCERR_CONNECTOR_NO_FILE_STREAMING_SUPPORT" | The connector does not support file streaming. |
2301 | "LOCERR_CONNECTOR_FILESIZE_EXCEEDED_BUFFER_SIZE" | The file size exceeds the buffer size. |
3000 | "LOCERR_FILE_ACCESS_DENIED" | Access to the file is denied. |
3001 | "LOCERR_FILE_NAME_INVALID" | The file name is invalid. |
3002 | "LOCERR_FILE_CORRUPT" | The file is corrupt. |
3003 | "LOCERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND" | The file could not be found. |
3004 | "LOCERR_FILE_FORMAT_UNSUPPORTED" | The file format is not supported. |
3005 | "LOCERR_FILE_OPENED_IN_UNSUPPORTED_MODE" | The file is opened in an unsupported mode. |
3006 | "LOCERR_FILE_TABLE_NOT_FOUND" | The table in the file could not be found. |
4000 | "LOCERR_USER_ACCESS_DENIED" | Access is denied for the user. |
4001 | "LOCERR_USER_IMPERSONATION_FAILED" | Impersonation of the user failed. |
5000 | "LOCERR_SERVER_OUT_OF_SESSION_AND_USER_CALS" | The server is out of session and user CALs. |
5001 | "LOCERR_SERVER_OUT_OF_SESSION_CALS" | The server is out of session CALs. |
5002 | "LOCERR_SERVER_OUT_OF_USAGE_CALS" | The server is out of usage CALs. |
5003 | "LOCERR_SERVER_OUT_OF_CALS" | The server is out of CALs. |
5004 | "LOCERR_SERVER_OUT_OF_NAMED_CALS" | The server is out of named CALs. |
5005 | "LOCERR_SERVER_OFF_DUTY" | The server is off duty. |
5006 | "LOCERR_SERVER_BUSY" | The server is busy. |
5007 | "LOCERR_SERVER_LICENSE_EXPIRED" | The server license has expired. |
5008 | "LOCERR_SERVER_AJAX_DISABLED" | AJAX is disabled on the server. |
5009 | "LOCERR_SERVER_NO_TOKEN" | No token is available on the server. |
6000 | "LOCERR_HC_INVALID_OBJECT" | The object is invalid. |
6001 | "LOCERR_HC_RESULT_TOO_LARGE" | The result is too large. |
6002 | "LOCERR_HC_INVALID_OBJECT_STATE" | The object state is invalid. |
6003 | "LOCERR_HC_MODAL_OBJECT_ERROR" | There is an error with the modal object. |
7000 | LOCERR_CALC_INVALID_DEF | Invalid definition in a calculation |
7001 | LOCERR_CALC_NOT_IN_LIB | Calculation not in library |
7002 | LOCERR_CALC_HEAP_ERROR | Error in calculation heap |
7003 | LOCERR_CALC_TOO_LARGE | Calculation too large to perform |
7004 | LOCERR_CALC_TIMEOUT | Calculation timed out |
7005 | LOCERR_CALC_EVAL_CONDITION_FAILED | Evaluation condition failed |
7006 | LOCERR_CALC_MIXED_LINKED_AGGREGATION | Mixed linked aggregation in calculation |
7007 | LOCERR_CALC_MISSING_LINKED | Missing linked calculation |
7008 | LOCERR_CALC_INVALID_COL_SORT | Invalid column sort in calculation |
7009 | LOCERR_CALC_PAGES_TOO_LARGE | Pages in calculation too large |
7010 | LOCERR_CALC_SEMANTIC_FIELD_NOT_ALLOWED | Semantic field not allowed in calculation |
7011 | LOCERR_CALC_VALIDATION_STATE_INVALID | Invalid validation state in calculation |
7012 | LOCERR_CALC_PIVOT_DIMENSIONS_ALREADY_EXISTS | Pivot dimensions already exist in calculation |
7013 | LOCERR_CALC_MISSING_LINKED_FIELD | Missing linked field in calculation |
7014 | LOCERR_CALC_NOT_CALCULATED | Calculation not calculated |
8000 | LOCERR_LAYOUT_EXTENDS_INVALID_ID | Invalid ID in layout extension |
8001 | LOCERR_LAYOUT_LINKED_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND | Linked object not found in layout |
8002 | LOCERR_LAYOUT_LINKED_OBJECT_INVALID | Invalid linked object in layout |
9000 | LOCERR_PERSISTENCE_WRITE_FAILED | Failed to write to persistence |
9001 | LOCERR_PERSISTENCE_READ_FAILED | Failed to read from persistence |
9002 | LOCERR_PERSISTENCE_DELETE_FAILED | Failed to delete from persistence |
9003 | LOCERR_PERSISTENCE_NOT_FOUND | Persistence not found |
9004 | LOCERR_PERSISTENCE_UNSUPPORTED_VERSION | Unsupported version in persistence |
9005 | LOCERR_PERSISTENCE_MIGRATION_FAILED_READ_ONLY | Failed to migrate read-only persistence |
9006 | LOCERR_PERSISTENCE_MIGRATION_CANCELLED | Persistence migration cancelled |
9007 | LOCERR_PERSISTENCE_MIGRATION_BACKUP_FAILED | Failed to backup persistence during migration |
9008 | LOCERR_PERSISTENCE_DISK_FULL | Disk is full in persistence |
9009 | LOCERR_PERSISTENCE_NOT_SUPPORTED_FOR_SESSION_APP | Persistence not supported for session app |
9010 | LOCERR_PERSISTENCE_MOVE_FAILED | Failed to move persistence |
9510 | LOCERR_PERSISTENCE_SYNC_SET_CHUNK_INVALID_PARAMETERS | Invalid parameters for persistence sync set chunk |
9511 | LOCERR_PERSISTENCE_SYNC_GET_CHUNK_INVALID_PARAMETERS | Invalid parameters for persistence sync get chunk |
10000 | LOCERR_SCRIPT_DATASOURCE_ACCESS_DENIED | Access denied to script data source |
11000 | LOCERR_RELOAD_IN_PROGRESS | Reload in progress |
11001 | LOCERR_RELOAD_TABLE_X_NOT_FOUND | Table not found in reload |
11002 | LOCERR_RELOAD_UNKNOWN_STATEMENT | Unknown statement in reload |
11003 | LOCERR_RELOAD_EXPECTED_SOMETHING_FOUND_UNKNOWN | Expected something, found unknown in reload |
11004 | LOCERR_RELOAD_EXPECTED_NOTHING_FOUND_UNKNOWN | Expected nothing, found unknown in reload |
11004 | LOCERR_RELOAD_EXPECTED_NOTHING_FOUND_UNKNOWN | An expected reload operation found nothing. |
11005 | LOCERR_RELOAD_EXPECTED_ONE_OF_1_TOKENS_FOUND_UNKNOWN | An expected reload operation expected one of the given tokens but found an unknown one. |
11006 | LOCERR_RELOAD_EXPECTED_ONE_OF_2_TOKENS_FOUND_UNKNOWN | An expected reload operation expected one of the given two tokens but found an unknown one. |
11007 | LOCERR_RELOAD_EXPECTED_ONE_OF_3_TOKENS_FOUND_UNKNOWN | An expected reload operation expected one of the given three tokens but found an unknown one. |
11008 | LOCERR_RELOAD_EXPECTED_ONE_OF_4_TOKENS_FOUND_UNKNOWN | An expected reload operation expected one of the given four tokens but found an unknown one. |
11009 | LOCERR_RELOAD_EXPECTED_ONE_OF_5_TOKENS_FOUND_UNKNOWN | An expected reload operation expected one of the given five tokens but found an unknown one. |
11010 | LOCERR_RELOAD_EXPECTED_ONE_OF_6_TOKENS_FOUND_UNKNOWN | An expected reload operation expected one of the given six tokens but found an unknown one. |
11011 | LOCERR_RELOAD_EXPECTED_ONE_OF_7_TOKENS_FOUND_UNKNOWN | An expected reload operation expected one of the given seven tokens but found an unknown one. |
11012 | LOCERR_RELOAD_EXPECTED_ONE_OF_8_OR_MORE_TOKENS_FOUND_UNKNOWN | An expected reload operation expected one of the given eight or more tokens but found an unknown one. |
11013 | LOCERR_RELOAD_FIELD_X_NOT_FOUND | A field with the given name was not found. |
11014 | LOCERR_RELOAD_MAPPING_TABLE_X_NOT_FOUND | A mapping table with the given name was not found. |
11015 | LOCERR_RELOAD_LIB_CONNECTION_X_NOT_FOUND | A library connection with the given name was not found. |
11016 | LOCERR_RELOAD_NAME_ALREADY_TAKEN | The name provided is already taken by another object. |
11017 | LOCERR_RELOAD_WRONG_FILE_FORMAT_DIF | The file has the wrong format for a DIF file. |
11018 | LOCERR_RELOAD_WRONG_FILE_FORMAT_BIFF | The file has the wrong format for a BIFF file. |
11019 | LOCERR_RELOAD_WRONG_FILE_FORMAT_ENCRYPTED | The file is encrypted and cannot be loaded. |
11020 | LOCERR_RELOAD_OPEN_FILE_ERROR | There was an error opening the file. |
11021 | LOCERR_RELOAD_AUTO_GENERATE_COUNT | A generated table count error occurred. |
11022 | LOCERR_RELOAD_PE_ILLEGAL_PREFIX_COMB | An illegal prefix combination was used in a partial reload. |
11023 | LOCERR_RELOAD_MATCHING_CONTROL_STATEMENT_ERROR | There was an error with a matching control statement. |
11024 | LOCERR_RELOAD_MATCHING_LIBPATH_X_NOT_FOUND | A matching library path with the given name was not found. |
11025 | LOCERR_RELOAD_MATCHING_LIBPATH_X_INVALID | The matching library path with the given name is invalid. |
11026 | LOCERR_RELOAD_MATCHING_LIBPATH_X_OUTSIDE | The matching library path with the given name is outside of the document folder. |
11027 | LOCERR_RELOAD_NO_QUALIFIED_PATH_FOR_FILE | No qualified path for the file was found. |
11028 | LOCERR_RELOAD_MODE_STATEMENT_ONLY_FOR_LIB_PATHS | Reload mode statement only allowed for library paths. |
11029 | LOCERR_RELOAD_INCONSISTENT_USE_OF_SEMANTIC_FIELDS | Inconsistent use of semantic fields during reload. |
11030 | LOCERR_RELOAD_NO_OPEN_DATABASE | No open database available for reload. |
11031 | LOCERR_RELOAD_AGGREGATION_REQUIRED_BY_GROUP_BY | Aggregation required by GROUP BY clause during reload. |
11032 | LOCERR_RELOAD_CONNECT_MUST_USE_LIB_PREFIX_IN_THIS_MODE | Connection must use library prefix in the current mode. |
11033 | LOCERR_RELOAD_ODBC_CONNECT_FAILED | ODBC connection failure during reload. |
11034 | LOCERR_RELOAD_OLEDB_CONNECT_FAILED | OLEDB connection failure during reload. |
11035 | LOCERR_RELOAD_CUSTOM_CONNECT_FAILED | Custom connection failure during reload. |
11036 | LOCERR_RELOAD_ODBC_READ_FAILED | ODBC read failure during reload. |
11037 | LOCERR_RELOAD_OLEDB_READ_FAILED | OLEDB read failure during reload. |
11038 | LOCERR_RELOAD_CUSTOM_READ_FAILED | Custom read failure during reload. |
11039 | LOCERR_RELOAD_BINARY_LOAD_PROHIBITED | Binary load operation is prohibited. |
11040 | LOCERR_RELOAD_CONNECTOR_START_FAILED | Connector start failure during reload. |
11041 | LOCERR_RELOAD_CONNECTOR_NOT_RESPONDING | Connector not responding during reload. |
11042 | LOCERR_RELOAD_CONNECTOR_REPLY_ERROR | Error in connector reply during reload. |
11043 | LOCERR_RELOAD_CONNECTOR_CONNECT_ERROR | Connector connection error during reload. |
11044 | LOCERR_RELOAD_CONNECTOR_NOT_FOUND_ERROR | Connector not found error during reload. |
11045 | LOCERR_RELOAD_INPUT_FIELD_WITH_DUPLICATE_KEYS | Input field contains duplicate keys during reload. |
11046 | LOCERR_RELOAD_CONCATENATE_LOAD_NO_PREVIOUS_TABLE | Concatenate load with no previous table during reload. |
11047 | LOCERR_RELOAD_WRONG_FILE_FORMAT_QVD | Wrong QVD file format during reload. |
11048 | LOCERR_RELOAD_ACTION_BLOCKED_ENTITLEMENT | Action blocked due to insufficient entitlement. |
12000 | LOCERR_PERSONAL_NEW_VERSION_AVAILABLE | New personal edition version available. |
12001 | LOCERR_PERSONAL_VERSION_EXPIRED | Personal edition version expired. |
12002 | LOCERR_PERSONAL_SECTION_ACCESS_DETECTED | Section access detected in personal edition. |
12003 | LOCERR_PERSONAL_APP_DELETION_FAILED | Application deletion failed in personal edition. |
12004 | LOCERR_USER_AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE | User authentication failure. |
13000 | LOCERR_EXPORT_OUT_OF_MEMORY | Out of memory error during export. |
13001 | LOCERR_EXPORT_NO_DATA | No data available for export. |
14000 | LOCERR_SYNC_INVALID_OFFSET | Invalid offset encountered during synchronization. |
15000 | LOCERR_SEARCH_TIMEOUT | Search operation timed out. |
16000 | LOCERR_DIRECT_DISCOVERY_LINKED_EXPRESSION_FAIL | Direct discovery linked expression failure. |
16001 | LOCERR_DIRECT_DISCOVERY_ROWCOUNT_OVERFLOW | Row count overflow in direct discovery. |
16002 | LOCERR_DIRECT_DISCOVERY_EMPTY_RESULT | Empty result encountered in direct discovery. |
16003 | LOCERR_DIRECT_DISCOVERY_DB_CONNECTION_FAILED | Database connection failed in direct discovery. |
11028 | LOCERR_RELOAD_MODE_STATEMENT_ONLY_FOR_LIB_PATHS | Reload mode statement only allowed for library paths. |
11029 | LOCERR_RELOAD_INCONSISTENT_USE_OF_SEMANTIC_FIELDS | Inconsistent use of semantic fields during reload. |
11030 | LOCERR_RELOAD_NO_OPEN_DATABASE | No open database available for reload. |
11031 | LOCERR_RELOAD_AGGREGATION_REQUIRED_BY_GROUP_BY | Aggregation required by GROUP BY clause during reload. |
11032 | LOCERR_RELOAD_CONNECT_MUST_USE_LIB_PREFIX_IN_THIS_MODE | Connection must use library prefix in the current mode. |
11033 | LOCERR_RELOAD_ODBC_CONNECT_FAILED | ODBC connection failure during reload. |
11034 | LOCERR_RELOAD_OLEDB_CONNECT_FAILED | OLEDB connection failure during reload. |
11035 | LOCERR_RELOAD_CUSTOM_CONNECT_FAILED | Custom connection failure during reload. |
11036 | LOCERR_RELOAD_ODBC_READ_FAILED | ODBC read failure during reload. |
11037 | LOCERR_RELOAD_OLEDB_READ_FAILED | OLEDB read failure during reload. |
11038 | LOCERR_RELOAD_CUSTOM_READ_FAILED | Custom read failure during reload. |
11039 | LOCERR_RELOAD_BINARY_LOAD_PROHIBITED | Binary load operation is prohibited. |
11040 | LOCERR_RELOAD_CONNECTOR_START_FAILED | Connector start failure during reload. |
11041 | LOCERR_RELOAD_CONNECTOR_NOT_RESPONDING | Connector not responding during reload. |
11042 | LOCERR_RELOAD_CONNECTOR_REPLY_ERROR | Error in connector reply during reload. |
11043 | LOCERR_RELOAD_CONNECTOR_CONNECT_ERROR | Connector connection error during reload. |
11044 | LOCERR_RELOAD_CONNECTOR_NOT_FOUND_ERROR | Connector not found error during reload. |
11045 | LOCERR_RELOAD_INPUT_FIELD_WITH_DUPLICATE_KEYS | Input field contains duplicate keys during reload. |
11046 | LOCERR_RELOAD_CONCATENATE_LOAD_NO_PREVIOUS_TABLE | Concatenate load with no previous table during reload. |
11047 | LOCERR_RELOAD_WRONG_FILE_FORMAT_QVD | Wrong QVD file format during reload. |
11048 | LOCERR_RELOAD_ACTION_BLOCKED_ENTITLEMENT | Action blocked due to insufficient entitlement. |
12000 | LOCERR_PERSONAL_NEW_VERSION_AVAILABLE | New personal edition version available. |
12001 | LOCERR_PERSONAL_VERSION_EXPIRED | Personal edition version expired. |
12002 | LOCERR_PERSONAL_SECTION_ACCESS_DETECTED | Section access detected in personal edition. |
12003 | LOCERR_PERSONAL_APP_DELETION_FAILED | Application deletion failed in personal edition. |
12004 | LOCERR_USER_AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE | User authentication failure. |
13000 | LOCERR_EXPORT_OUT_OF_MEMORY | Out of memory error during export. |
13001 | LOCERR_EXPORT_NO_DATA | No data available for export. |
14000 | LOCERR_SYNC_INVALID_OFFSET | Invalid offset encountered during synchronization. |
15000 | LOCERR_SEARCH_TIMEOUT | Search operation timed out. |
16000 | LOCERR_DIRECT_DISCOVERY_LINKED_EXPRESSION_FAIL | Direct discovery linked expression failure. |
16001 | LOCERR_DIRECT_DISCOVERY_ROWCOUNT_OVERFLOW | Row count overflow in direct discovery. |
16002 | LOCERR_DIRECT_DISCOVERY_EMPTY_RESULT | Empty result encountered in direct discovery. |
16003 | LOCERR_DIRECT_DISCOVERY_DB_CONNECTION_FAILED | Database connection failed in direct discovery. |
16004 | "LOCERR_DIRECT_DISCOVERY_MEASURE_NOT_ALLOWED" | Direct discovery measure is not permitted. |
16005 | "LOCERR_DIRECT_DISCOVERY_DETAIL_NOT_ALLOWED" | Direct discovery detail is not permitted. |
16006 | "LOCERR_DIRECT_DISCOVERY_NOT_SYNTH_CIRCULAR_ALLOWED" | Synthetic circular measure not allowed in direct discovery. |
16007 | "LOCERR_DIRECT_DISCOVERY_ONLY_ONE_DD_TABLE_ALLOWED" | Only one direct discovery table is allowed. |
16008 | "LOCERR_DIRECT_DISCOVERY_DB_AUTHORIZATION_FAILED" | Database authorization failed for direct discovery. |
17000 | "LOCERR_SMART_LOAD_TABLE_NOT_FOUND" | Smart load table not found. |
17001 | "LOCERR_SMART_LOAD_TABLE_DUPLICATED" | Duplicate smart load table detected. |
18000 | "LOCERR_VARIABLE_NO_NAME" | Variable has no name. |
18001 | "LOCERR_VARIABLE_DUPLICATE_NAME" | Duplicate variable name found. |
18002 | "LOCERR_VARIABLE_INCONSISTENCY" | Variable inconsistency detected. |
19000 | "LOCERR_MEDIA_LIBRARY_LIST_FAILED" | Media library list operation failed. |
19001 | "LOCERR_MEDIA_LIBRARY_CONTENT_FAILED" | Media library content operation failed. |
19002 | "LOCERR_MEDIA_BUNDLING_FAILED" | Media bundling failed. |
19003 | "LOCERR_MEDIA_UNBUNDLING_FAILED" | Media unbundling failed. |
19004 | "LOCERR_MEDIA_LIBRARY_NOT_FOUND" | Media library not found. |
20000 | "LOCERR_FEATURE_DISABLED" | The requested feature is disabled. |
-32600 | "LOCERR_JSON_RPC_INVALID_REQUEST" | Invalid JSON-RPC request. |
-32601 | "LOCERR_JSON_RPC_METHOD_NOT_FOUND" | JSON-RPC method not found. |
-32602 | "LOCERR_JSON_RPC_INVALID_PARAMETERS" | Invalid parameters in JSON-RPC request. |
-32603 | "LOCERR_JSON_RPC_INTERNAL_ERROR" | Internal JSON-RPC error. |
-32700 | "LOCERR_JSON_RPC_PARSE_ERROR" | JSON-RPC parse error. |
33000 | "LOCERR_MQ_SOCKET_CONNECT_FAILURE" | Message queue socket connection failure. |
33001 | "LOCERR_MQ_SOCKET_OPEN_FAILURE" | Message queue socket open failure. |
33002 | "LOCERR_MQ_PROTOCOL_NO_RESPONE" | No response from message queue protocol. |
33003 | "LOCERR_MQ_PROTOCOL_LIBRARY_EXCEPTION" | Message queue protocol library exception. |
33004 | "LOCERR_MQ_PROTOCOL_CONNECTION_CLOSED" | Message queue protocol connection closed. |
33005 | "LOCERR_MQ_PROTOCOL_CHANNEL_CLOSED" | Message queue protocol channel closed. |
33006 | "LOCERR_MQ_PROTOCOL_UNKNOWN_ERROR" | Unknown error in message queue protocol. |
33007 | "LOCERR_MQ_PROTOCOL_INVALID_STATUS" | Invalid status in message queue protocol. |
22000 | "LOCERR_EXTENGINE_GRPC_STATUS_OK" | gRPC external engine status is OK. |
22001 | "LOCERR_EXTENGINE_GRPC_STATUS_CANCELLED" | gRPC external engine operation was cancelled. |
22002 | "LOCERR_EXTENGINE_GRPC_STATUS_UNKNOWN" | Unknown gRPC external engine status. |
22003 | "LOCERR_EXTENGINE_GRPC_STATUS_INVALID_ARGUMENT" | Invalid argument in gRPC external engine operation. |
22004 | "LOCERR_EXTENGINE_GRPC_STATUS_DEADLINE_EXCEEDED" | Deadline exceeded for gRPC external engine operation. |
22005 | "LOCERR_EXTENGINE_GRPC_STATUS_NOT_FOUND" | Resource not found in gRPC external engine operation. |
22006 | "LOCERR_EXTENGINE_GRPC_STATUS_ALREADY_EXISTS" | Resource already exists in gRPC external engine operation. |
22007 | "LOCERR_EXTENGINE_GRPC_STATUS_PERMISSION_DENIED" | Permission denied for gRPC external engine operation. |
22008 | "LOCERR_EXTENGINE_GRPC_STATUS_RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED" | Resource exhausted in gRPC external engine operation. |
22009 | "LOCERR_EXTENGINE_GRPC_STATUS_FAILED_PRECONDITION" | Failed precondition in gRPC external engine operation. |
22010 | "LOCERR_EXTENGINE_GRPC_STATUS_ABORTED" | gRPC external engine operation was aborted. |
22011 | "LOCERR_EXTENGINE_GRPC_STATUS_OUT_OF_RANGE" | Out of range error in gRPC external engine operation. |
22012 | "LOCERR_EXTENGINE_GRPC_STATUS_UNIMPLEMENTED" | Unimplemented feature in gRPC external engine operation. |
22013 | "LOCERR_EXTENGINE_GRPC_STATUS_INTERNAL" | Internal error in gRPC external engine operation. |
22014 | "LOCERR_EXTENGINE_GRPC_STATUS_UNAVAILABLE" | gRPC external engine operation is unavailable. |
22015 | "LOCERR_EXTENGINE_GRPC_STATUS_DATA_LOSS" | Data loss occurred in gRPC external engine operation. |
22016 | "LOCERR_EXTENGINE_GRPC_STATUS_UNAUTHENTICATED" | Unauthenticated user in gRPC external engine operation. |
23001 | "LOCERR_LXW_INVALID_OBJ" | Invalid object in LXW operation. |
23002 | "LOCERR_LXW_INVALID_FILE" | Invalid file in LXW operation. |
23003 | "LOCERR_LXW_INVALID_SHEET" | Invalid sheet in LXW operation. |
23005 | "LOCERR_LXW_ERROR" | Generic LXW error. |
23006 | "LOCERR_LXW_ERROR_MEMORY_MALLOC_FAILED" | Memory allocation failure in LXW operation. |
23007 | "LOCERR_LXW_ERROR_CREATING_XLSX_FILE" | Error creating XLSX file in LXW operation. |
23008 | "LOCERR_LXW_ERROR_CREATING_TMPFILE" | Error creating temporary file in LXW operation. |
23009 | "LOCERR_LXW_ERROR_ZIP_FILE_OPERATION" | ZIP file operation error in LXW operation. |
23010 | "LOCERR_LXW_ERROR_ZIP_FILE_ADD" | Error adding file to ZIP in LXW operation. |
23011 | "LOCERR_LXW_ERROR_ZIP_CLOSE" | Error closing ZIP file in LXW operation. |
23012 | "LOCERR_LXW_ERROR_NULL_PARAMETER_IGNORED" | Null parameter ignored in LXW operation. |
23013 | "LOCERR_LXW_ERROR_MAX_STRING_LENGTH_EXCEEDED" | Maximum string length exceeded in LXW operation. |
23014 | "LOCERR_LXW_ERROR_255_STRING_LENGTH_EXCEEDED" | 255 character string length exceeded in LXW operation. |
23015 | "LOCERR_LXW_ERROR_SHARED_STRING_INDEX_NOT_FOUND" | Shared string index not found in LXW operation. |
23016 | "LOCERR_LXW_ERROR_WORKSHEET_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE" | Worksheet index out of range in LXW operation. |
23017 | "LOCERR_LXW_ERROR_WORKSHEET_MAX_NUMBER_URLS_EXCEEDED" | Maximum number of URLs exceeded in LXW worksheet operation. |
24000 | "LOCERR_BDI_STATUS_OK" | BDI status is OK. |
24001 | "LOCERR_BDI_GENERIC_ERROR_NOT_TRANSLATED" | BDI generic error not translated. |
25000 | "LOCERR_TRENDLINE_INVALID_DEF" | Invalid trendline definition. |
25001 | "LOCERR_TRENDLINE_INVALID_MATH_ERROR" | Invalid math error in trendline calculation. |
30000 | "LOCERR_CURL_UNSUPPORTED_PROTOCOL" | Unsupported protocol in cURL operation. |
30001 | "LOCERR_CURL_COULDNT_RESOLVE_PROXY" | Couldn't resolve proxy in cURL operation. |
30002 | "LOCERR_CURL_COULDNT_CONNECT" | Couldn't connect to the server in cURL operation. |
30003 | "LOCERR_CURL_REMOTE_ACCESS_DENIED" | Remote access denied in cURL operation. |
30004 | "LOCERR_CURL_FTP_ACCEPT_FAILED" | FTP accept operation failed in cURL. |
30005 | "LOCERR_CURL_FTP_ACCEPT_TIMEOUT" | FTP accept operation timeout in cURL. |
30006 | "LOCERR_CURL_FTP_CANT_GET_HOST" | Can't get host in cURL FTP operation. |
30007 | "LOCERR_CURL_PARTIAL_FILE" | Partial file received in cURL operation. |
30008 | "LOCERR_CURL_QUOTE_ERROR" | Quote error in cURL operation. |
30009 | "LOCERR_CURL_WRITE_ERROR" | Write error in cURL operation. |
30010 | "LOCERR_CURL_UPLOAD_FAILED" | Upload failed in cURL operation. |
30011 | "LOCERR_CURL_OUT_OF_MEMORY" | Out of memory in cURL operation. |
30012 | "LOCERR_CURL_OPERATION_TIMEDOUT" | Operation timed out in cURL. |
30013 | "LOCERR_CURL_FTP_COULDNT_USE_REST" | Couldn't use REST command in cURL FTP operation. |
30014 | "LOCERR_CURL_HTTP_POST_ERROR" | HTTP POST error in cURL operation. |
30015 | "LOCERR_CURL_SSL_CONNECT_ERROR" | SSL connect error in cURL operation. |
30016 | "LOCERR_CURL_FILE_COULDNT_READ_FILE" | Couldn't read file in cURL operation. |
30017 | "LOCERR_CURL_LDAP_CANNOT_BIND" | LDAP cannot bind in cURL operation. |
30018 | "LOCERR_CURL_LDAP_SEARCH_FAILED" | LDAP search failed in cURL operation. |
30019 | "LOCERR_CURL_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS" | Too many redirects in cURL operation. |
30020 | "LOCERR_CURL_PEER_FAILED_VERIFICATION" | Peer failed verification in cURL operation. |
30021 | "LOCERR_CURL_GOT_NOTHING" | Got nothing from the server in cURL operation. |
30022 | "LOCERR_CURL_SSL_ENGINE_NOTFOUND" | SSL engine not found in cURL operation. |
30023 | "LOCERR_CURL_SSL_ENGINE_SETFAILED" | Setting SSL engine failed in cURL operation. |
30024 | "LOCERR_CURL_SSL_CERTPROBLEM" | SSL certificate problem in cURL operation. |
30025 | "LOCERR_CURL_SSL_CIPHER" | SSL cipher error in cURL operation. |
30026 | "LOCERR_CURL_SSL_CACERT" | SSL CA certificate error in cURL operation. |
30027 | "LOCERR_CURL_BAD_CONTENT_ENCODING" | Bad content encoding error in cURL operation. |
30028 | "LOCERR_CURL_LDAP_INVALID_URL" | Invalid URL error in cURL LDAP operation. |
30029 | "LOCERR_CURL_USE_SSL_FAILED" | Failed to use SSL in cURL operation. |
30030 | "LOCERR_CURL_SSL_ENGINE_INITFAILED" | SSL engine initialization failed in cURL operation. |
30031 | "LOCERR_CURL_LOGIN_DENIED" | Login denied in cURL operation. |
30032 | "LOCERR_CURL_TFTP_NOTFOUND" | TFTP not found error in cURL operation. |
30033 | "LOCERR_CURL_TFTP_ILLEGAL" | TFTP illegal operation error in cURL. |
30034 | "LOCERR_CURL_SSH" | SSH error in cURL operation. |
30100 | "LOCERR_SETEXPRESSION_TOO_LARGE" | Set expression too large error. |
30101 | "LOCERR_RELOAD_MERGE_LOAD_ERROR" | Reload merge load error. |
30200 | "LOCERR_WIN_FTP_DROPPED" | Windows FTP dropped error. |
30201 | "LOCERR_WIN_FTP_NO_PASSIVE_MODE" | Windows FTP no passive mode error. |
30210 | "LOCERR_WIN_HTTP_DOWNLEVEL_SERVER" | Windows HTTP downlevel server error. |
30211 | "LOCERR_WIN_HTTP_INVALID_SERVER_RESPONSE" | Windows HTTP invalid server response error. |
30212 | "LOCERR_WIN_HTTP_REDIRECT_NEEDS_CONFIRMATION" | Windows HTTP redirect needs confirmation error. |
30220 | "LOCERR_WIN_INTERNET_FORCE_RETRY" | Windows Internet force retry error. |
30221 | "LOCERR_WIN_INTERNET_CANNOT_CONNECT" | Windows Internet cannot connect error. |
30222 | "LOCERR_WIN_INTERNET_CONNECTION_ABORTED" | Windows Internet connection aborted error. |
30223 | "LOCERR_WIN_INTERNET_CONNECTION_RESET" | Windows Internet connection reset error. |
30224 | "LOCERR_WIN_INTERNET_DISCONNECTED" | Windows Internet disconnected error. |
30225 | "LOCERR_WIN_INTERNET_INCORRECT_FORMAT" | Windows Internet incorrect format error. |
30226 | "LOCERR_WIN_INTERNET_INVALID_CA" | Windows Internet invalid CA error. |
30227 | "LOCERR_WIN_INTERNET_INVALID_OPERATION" | Windows Internet invalid operation error. |
30228 | "LOCERR_WIN_INTERNET_INVALID_URL" | Windows Internet invalid URL error. |
30229 | "LOCERR_WIN_INTERNET_ITEM_NOT_FOUND" | Windows Internet item not found error. |
30230 | "LOCERR_WIN_INTERNET_LOGIN_FAILURE" | Windows Internet login failure error. |
30231 | "LOCERR_WIN_INTERNET_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED" | Windows Internet name not resolved error. |
30232 | "LOCERR_WIN_INTERNET_NEED_UI" | Windows Internet need UI error. |
30233 | "LOCERR_WIN_INTERNET_SEC_CERT_CN_INVALID" | Windows Internet security certificate CN invalid error. |
30224 | "LOCERR_WIN_INTERNET_DISCONNECTED" | Windows Internet disconnected error. |
30225 | "LOCERR_WIN_INTERNET_INCORRECT_FORMAT" | Windows Internet incorrect format error. |
30226 | "LOCERR_WIN_INTERNET_INVALID_CA" | Windows Internet invalid CA error. |
30227 | "LOCERR_WIN_INTERNET_INVALID_OPERATION" | Windows Internet invalid operation error. |
30228 | "LOCERR_WIN_INTERNET_INVALID_URL" | Windows Internet invalid URL error. |
30229 | "LOCERR_WIN_INTERNET_ITEM_NOT_FOUND" | Windows Internet item not found error. |
30230 | "LOCERR_WIN_INTERNET_LOGIN_FAILURE" | Windows Internet login failure error. |
30231 | "LOCERR_WIN_INTERNET_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED" | Windows Internet name not resolved error. |
30232 | "LOCERR_WIN_INTERNET_NEED_UI" | Windows Internet need UI error. |
30233 | "LOCERR_WIN_INTERNET_SEC_CERT_CN_INVALID" | Windows Internet security certificate CN invalid error. |
30234 | "LOCERR_WIN_INTERNET_SEC_CERT_DATE_INVALID" | Windows Internet security certificate date invalid error. |
30235 | "LOCERR_WIN_INTERNET_SEC_CERT_ERRORS" | Windows Internet security certificate errors. |
30236 | "LOCERR_WIN_INTERNET_SEC_INVALID_CERT" | Windows Internet security invalid certificate error. |
30237 | "LOCERR_WIN_INTERNET_SERVER_UNREACHABLE" | Windows Internet server unreachable error. |
You might be here if you're integrating an application with Qlik or encountering errors surfaced by the Qlik Engine API in your dashboards. You can use this guide to serve as a reference point for all the errors you may encounter in the Qlik world. The Qlik Engine API (or QIX) exposes a large API surface and returns errors that can sometimes feel a bit cryptic the first time you encounter them.
What is the Qlik Engine API?
The Qlik Engine API, or QIX, is the JSON-RPC based API powering Qlik dashboards and integrations, and the interface you use to leverage Qlik's engine.