Create and edit templates

Templates are files in ConnectReport that are used to generate report documents. The template stores information for the layout, formatting, and design of the report of the report. Once you lay out your template and configure the desired data, you can run reports on it by creating report tasks.

Create a new template

To create a new template:

  • Navigate to the ConnectReport portal
  • Choose My templates in the sidebar
  • Select Create a new template
  • In the template editor, choose a template type
  • In the Template title input box, enter a title
  • Select Continue

Edit a template

To edit an existing template:

  • Navigate to the ConnectReport portal
  • Choose My templates in the sidebar
  • Select a template from the list

Saving a template

To save a template:

  • Click File in the editor ribbon menu navigation
  • Within the ribbon menu, Save

Alternatively, you may click on the template title on the editor menu bar, and press the return key on your keyboard.