Scheduling report tasks

Once you have created a template, in order to distribute it to report viewers, you will need to create a report task.

Create a report task

  • Create or open a template
  • In the sidebar navigation, click Reports
  • If you wish to execute the report immediately, click Report now and choose Publish now. If you wish to schedule a recurring report, click Report later and choose Schedule report.
  • From within the report task editor, enter a Title for the report task. The title is used to refer to the task later, and for content administrators to track the status of the task.

Configure the schedule for a report task

  • Under the Schedule section, you can choose a frequency including: Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Annually, Once - now, and Once - scheduled
  • Choose a Start date for the task, if the task is not a “Once - now” task. This is the date on which the task will begin executing.
  • Choose an At time for the task, if the task is not a “Once - now” task. This is the time at which the task will begin executing.
  • If the task is on a recurring schedule, you may enter a value in the Every input, or leave it at the default of 1. You may configure this if, for example, you need the task to execute every 2 months.
  • Recurring tasks default to an end date of 1 year from now. If you do not wish for the task to have an end date, you may click the X button next to the end date input box. You can also augment the end date as needed.

Filter the report task

Under filter, you may configure filters for the report task. See Apply filters to report tasks for details.

Configure sharing for the report task

  • Under sharing, you may choose who to share the published report with.

If server administrators have configured your account to be part of a group, you can share with individuals in any of the groups you are a part of, or with entire groups you are a part of.

  • To share with individuals, click on the individuals you would like to share the published report with under Publish to individuals
  • To share with groups, click on the groups you would like to share the published report with under Publish to groups

Publish report tasks via email

If server administrators have configured your ConnectReport server with an SMTP connection, you can choose to share the published report via email.

Under Send as email, choose a supported format to share the report in. Upon publication, the report will be sent as an attachment in chosen format to the associated emails of any users the report is configured to share with, including those in any chosen groups.

Tag published reports

You may wish to tag the published report. Tags are displayed in the portal and used to organize published report tasks.

To add a tag to the task, under Publish with tags, type in a name for a tag and press the return key on your keyboard.

Save the report task

Once you have configured the desired options for your report task, click Create report task.

Update and view the status of a scheduled task

To update or view the status of a previously scheduled task:

  • Create or open the template associated with the task
  • In the sidebar navigation, click Reports
  • Under Scheduled reports, locate the scheduled task
  • The report task editor will open and display the status of the scheduled task.
  • You can make modifications to the task from here. Refer to the above sections for details on each section of the report task interface.