Group Image Library

In some cases, you may not want end-users to upload images into templates themselves. Some of our customers prefer to use the Group Image Library, which allows them to upload images that users in specific groups can use in templates.

How to Enable the Group Image Library

  • You must be a Server Administrator to enable Group Images.
  • Navigate to the Management Console and click Server Configuration in the sidebar
  • Under Content Preferences, check Enable template editor image library
  • Click Save Configuration
  • Restart ConnectReport Server

Upload Images to the Group Image Library

  • You must be a Content Administrator to upload images to Group Image Libraries.
  • Navigate to the Management Console and click Manage Content in the sidebar
  • Under Image Library, select a group from the dropdown. If you have not configured any groups, refer to Managing Groups
  • Click Upload and select the image you would like to make available to the selected group.