Bulk Import Users

Bulk import allows you to add and update many users to ConnectReport Server at once.

To do this, you create a comma-separated values (CSV) formatted file that contains the user data. In addition to basic user parameters such as name and username, you can also assign user roles and set group membership. You can use the bulk import tool to update existing users or add new ones.

Creating the user data CSV file

When you create your user data CSV file, you will probably generate it using some other user management system, for example, using a company database. If you are creating your file manually, you can use a program such as Microsoft Excel.

A few important things to note when you create your file: 

  • The imported data must be in CSV format and UTF-8 encoded.
  • The first row of data in the CSV must be the header row, which is used to denote the order and names of the fields in your file.
  • The header row must contain the required fields listed in the table below as well as any other allowed fields listed in the table that you want to include in your file.
  • Empty columns of data for the user will overwrite any existing data for the user
  • If you are updating existing users, you must specify either the id of the existing user, or the username. If you specify the id and the username field, the value in the username field will be used to update the username of the user with the specified id.
idRequired for updating usersif "username" field is not specified. This is the id of the user listed in the Management console. Do not include the id field if you are creating new users.
firstNameThe user's first name
lastNameThe user's last name
usernameRequired for creating new users. The username the user will use to login. This is also the username that will be used when the user works with data sources (ex. Qlik Sense, Tableau, SQL Server)
emailThe user's email address
groupThe id(s) of the ConnectReport groups the user should belong to. To get the id of a given group, navigate to Users in the Management Console and scroll down to Groups. Multiple ids may be specified, delimited by spaces. For example, the value for group may be "1", or "1 2".
roleIdRequired for creating new users. The id of the ConnectReport role for the given user. To get the id of a given role, navigate to Users in the Management Console and scroll down to Roles.
passwordThe password the user will use to login if ConnectReport server is configured to use local login.
priorityThe priority of the user. Valid values are integers between 1 and 10. This value is used during report processing to determine which user's should receive priority in the queue. Report tasks for higher priority users are carried out first.

Table: user import data fields

Importing the user data CSV file

Navigate to the Management Console and click Users in the sidebar. Under Actions in the Users section, choose Bulk import users.

Check Update existing users if you wish to update existing users. If you are updating existing users, your CSV must contain the username field for each user.

Click Choose file.

Click Import.  

Your import will begin executing once the user data CSV is uploaded. A status message will be displayed once it is complete.