About User Roles

All users in ConnectReport Server are assigned a role. ConnectReport's role-based access control model allows you to set who can create, view, and edit templates and report tasks, as well as who can administrate content or the server itself.  

By default, ConnectReport Server has four built-in roles that are designed to support most use cases. If you have a unique requirement, you can also create your own roles. 

General capabilities allowed with built-in roles

Server Administrator

Server Administrators have full access to the configuration, content, users, and groups on the server. 

Content Administrator

Content Administrators have full access to the content on the server, can create and publish reports, and can enable reports that authors have scheduled. Content Administrators cannot manage users or the server configuration.   


Publishers can create, schedule and publish reports. Publishers cannot administrate content, users or the server configuration. Use the Publisher role for users who should be allowed to publish content without the need for approval. 


Authors can create and schedule report tasks, but cannot enable them - a Content Administrator must enable any report tasks that an Author wishes to publish. Use the Author role for users who should be allowed to create content, but not publish it. 


Viewers can access the Report Portal to view and export reports that have been published to them.